Education Director – Certified Practicing Astrologer, Naturopath & Wholistic Health Practitioner, Meditation Teacher

Juanita began her astrological journey at the Chiron School of Astrology in Sydney in the 1980’s. Despite not even knowing what an Ascendant or the houses of the chart were at the start, she virtually inhaled astrology over an intensive couple of years and began teaching at the Chiron School of Astrology in 1988. Juanita describes the natal chart as a blueprint which explains individual personalities and has the ability to assist people find more meaning and purpose in their own lives.
Juanita started her own school, Aquarian School of Astrology in western Sydney and Newcastle, 2 hours’ drive away, in 1991 which continued until 2008. Juanita has lectured around Australia at various FAA (Federation of Australian Astrologers) conferences, and also in South Africa. She also served at a Committee Member on the Australian National FAA Board and the Exam Board for 6 years during the 1990’s.
After a hiatus of some years pursuing other ventures, Juanita has returned to astrology with a renewed passion, and is delighted to be strongly associated with the Astrocollege Community and IAA.