Waves of the Future by Carolyn Egan


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Ride the crest of the wave or tumble and fall; understanding the waves via the turning points in your life. The longer name for the technique is the progressed Moon and planets in declination measurement over natal declination planets. As the progressed Moon runs her cycle, she makes a wavy line on the graph and slows down which creates the turning point from the most northern or southern declination. There are six to eight turning points for an individual in a 100 year graph and surprisingly, on one single piece of paper. Each turning point is a major life event marker and a multi-line crossing found anywhere on the graph is a marker for an extreme event. The graph is easy enough for you and your client to share and discuss prior turning points that coincide with particular years. Learn the historical meanings from past events and apply the information toward future turning points. Time of birth is not necessary to use to enjoy this technique. Good examples and detailed instructions will be offered at class time.