Eight Class Meetings
Saying you are a professional astrologer and being a professional astrologer are two different things, especially from a business perspective. This eight-week course introduces you to all the basics you need to be aware of before, during and after you hang out your shingle. Everything from communication, branding and social media to financial planning, budgets, and licensing.
Week 1: Communication – What is my communication style (after all, there are 12 basic communication styles)? What are my strengths and challenges? Everything I do is based absolutely in my ability to get the message out, to seek support, etc.
Week 2: Branding – What sets you apart? Creating a mission statement based on your vision. Creating a name based on your vision.
Week 3: Marketing – Who’s my audience? What do I want them to know about me? What are the trends in marketing? Taking the brand concept and building on it.
Week 4: Website Creation – Must I have a website? Do I have the skills to do this myself? What do I want it to say? How do I plan to use it? What constitutes good design?
Week 5: Social Media – Examining the most effective platforms – FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Determining how I want to use them and what I want to say. Crafting a policy for what I will say and not say. To video or not to video – that is the question.
Week 6: Finances and Budgeting – How much should I charge? What kinds of revenue streams can I create? Examining the cost of any plans I have for branding, marketing and my website.
Week 7: Licensing, Legal Issues and Insurance – Researching whether I need a business license, possible legal issues (old laws condemning the practice of astrology), and the potential need for liability insurance. How do all these things impact the whys and wherefores of starting my own business.
Week 8: Business Plan – Putting all the information I have gathered about the above aspects of my professional astrological practice and creating a business plan to guide me and keep my focused.