PSM-5: Storytelling Techniques to Illustrate Readings
Jodie ForrestInstructor
Jodie Forrest is a Southern California-based astrologer, writer and teacher who’s worked with clients and students for 37 years. A frequent contributor to astrological journals, she wrote The Ascendant and the historical fantasy Rhymer trilogy. With Steven Forrest, she wrote Skymates and Skymates II. Jodie’s new book on solar arc directions will appear by late June; check her website for an announcement.
She’s lectured about astrology across the U.S., and in the U.K., Canada, and France. In her spare time, she writes, paints, grows roses and serves her Feline Masters.
Website: http://www.jodieforrestastrology.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jodie.forrest.5 or https://www.facebook.com/jodieforrestastrology