Communicating the Horoscope, edited by Noel Tyl

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The horoscope presents a portrait of each person’s perspective, which a consultant can then use to communicate and counsel clients more effectively. This book for consultants presents the viewpoints of nine astrologers on factors crucial to a client’s successful analysis. It advises on how to help clients reach personal fulfilment through thoughtful counselling, and also how each person’s point of view functions as a badge of identification that can alert the counsellor to what they should listen for during a consultation. The contributing astrologers discuss: the importance of the timing of the consultation for both client and astrologer; how to help explore major issues and how to use the insights of their charts to sort out problems; suggestions for reading the client’s behaviour and unspoken messages; ways to simplify chart interpretations for clients unfamiliar with astrology and translate the horoscope into terms they can grasp; techniques for empathetic listening; and how interpreting the chart in terms of its possibilities opens clients to making the changes necessary for their own growth.